Vol. 5, N 1 (2009)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish House: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish House: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
About some aspects reformation of local self-government in Ukraine
V. I. Logvinenko5-12
Use of a methodological potential of the theory of sustainable development for optimization of political and public management strategy
A. N. Balashov13-20
Mechanisms comparing estimation of the state support for the development of housing construction engineering in Ukraine and Czechia
V. V. Dorofienko, А. N. Shamonova21-30
Problems of interaction between the local government and the public
L. V. Bezzubko, Ye. V. Skopets31-40
The strategy sequence working out of the antycrisis regulation of building branch
V. G. Sеvkа, N. B. Paliga41-50
Analysis of tendencies of profitability of assets of build enterprises organizations of Ukraine
L. I. Sozanskiy51-62
Financial provision of plumbing sewage economy development
O. N. Nikolayeva, S. I. Prilepskaya63-74