Vol. 7, N 4 (2011)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish House: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish House: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
The use of inkoterms rules during the conclusion of treaty of delivery
N. V. Alyabeva209-215
The theoretical aspects of the crisis on the level of the enterprise
I. A. Bylavina217-222
Social development through improving the reforming housing and communal services
Ye. M. Volskaya223-232
Innovative aspects of set-up of effective system of agriculture and land valuation based on geographic information systems
V. N. Goncharov, N. V. Zos-Cior233-238
Foreign experience of entrepreneurial potential management in regions (the slovak republic example)
V. V. Gorchynskaya239-245
Small business in the housing sector: current state and prospects of the partnership development
A. E. Griekhovodova247-251
Strategic planning improvement of activity of organs of government
M. V. Lavryshcheva253-260
Approaches to the decision of problems the proper financing of enterprises housing and communal services
O. S. Melnikova, A. A. Suhina261-267
The concept of structural transformation of organizational and economic mechanism of government of the region
N. S. Spytsyna269-276
Fields of application of foreign experience in ukraine in reforming housing and communal services
V. S. Сhangli277-285
Strategical analysis in the process of management of organization of building complex
Ya. I. Zherebyov287-295