Vol. 8, N 1 (2012)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish House: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish House: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Mechanisms of financially-budgetary regulation of economy of housing and communal services in the conditions of financial instability
Yu. L. Petrushevsky5-14
Resources of modern city: intellectual potential
T. P. Norkina15-19
Formation mechanisms of realization of state policy in the housing
V. G. Sevka21-31
Forming of modern innovative model of social development of the state
Ye. M. Volskaya33-42
Public utility economy enterprises: problems and prospects of economic
Ye. S. Gradoboeva43-50
Business processes optimization of different sectors subjects the city economy
K. V. Bogun51-58
Organizational-economic mechanism of the street and road infrastructure of cities
A. A. Lukyanchenko, Ye. A. Garkusheva59-67
E-governance as an aspect of the information mechanism of interaction between local government and territorial community members
Ye. V. Skopets69-77