Main / Issues / Vol. 3, N 2 (2007) / Articles

Analysis of modern conceptual approaches to the transaction costs

N. A. RubekDonbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract: Today, a number of problems caused by market transformations in the Ukrainian economy can be solved having the modern theory as the basis. The author thinks that one of the significant directions of the modern economic theory is institutionalism because just within within this direction there was developed a conceptual device that allows reflecting the essence of the transformation processes. There has been studied a lot of methodological approaches to define transaction costs from the point of view of the institutional theory. The author thinks that the major contribution to the development of the transaction cost theory has been made by such scientific schools as the transaction economy, the economic theory of the property rights, the contract approach. The author comes to the conclusion that among the scientists there is no common opinion concerning the essence of the concept of transaction costs; however in time their viewpoints undergo changes.

Keywords: institutionalism, transaction, transaction costs, the Coase theorem, theory of agreements, theory of a public choice

Pages: 85-90.


For citation:
For citation: Rubek, N. A. Analysis of modern conceptual approaches to the transaction costs. – Text : electronic. – In: <em>Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy</em>. – 2007. – Vol. 3, N 2. – Р. 85-90. – URL: (date of access: 04.12.2024). – ISSN 1993-3509.

Issue Cover
Vol. 3, N 2 (2007)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture