Issues / Vol. 7, N 1 (2011) / Articles

Renewable power resources is the way to energy independence of Ukraine

A. M. Lokteva, D. A. Zaharchenkob

a Donetsk State University of Economy and Trade named after М. Tugan-Baranovskyi
b Donbas National Academy of Civl Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The paper deals with the prospect of application of alternative sources of power resources in Ukraine. The analysis of heat supply organization in the states European Union has been made and the experience of application of renewable power resources has been given. The principal circumstances of the energetic strategy of Ukraine have been considered and its influence on the national development has been revealed. The sources of alternative energy production, the advantages of their application and the opportunity of energy production in various regions of Ukraine have been shown. The factors effecting on the development of the alternative sources of energy have been submitted. The most effective and relatively cheap source of the renewable power resources (biomass) possessed by Ukraine has been revealed. The authors’ hypotheses will permit to decrease the costs in future and increase heat supply efficacy in Ukraine.

Keywords: heat supply, renewable power resources alternative power, gеоthеrmаl energy, solar energy, biomass.

Pages: 25-30.


Link for citation: Loktev, A. M.; Zaharchenko, D. A. Renewable power resources is the way to energy independence of Ukraine. – Text : electronic. – In: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy. – 2011. – Vol. 7, N 1. – Р. 25-30. – URL: (date of access: 27.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 7, N 1 (2011)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture