Issues / Vol. 12, N 4 (2016) / Articles

Strategic Aspects of Quality Management of Medical Institutions

M. V. Sukhinin

Donetsk National University

Annotation: This article describes the features of the health services modernization; the features of strategic management in the conditions of changes in the external environment of the health system that lead to changes in the established economic relations; the human resource management within the framework of a strategic approach, taking into account the principles and the principles of the personnel policy is reviewed; the scheme that characterizes the fundamental aspects of human resource management technology is reviewed; the task scorecard, namely comparison and combination of strategic goals and objectives directly with the performers, which lays the whole burden of responsibility for achieving the very goals and objectives is defined; top priority to achieve a competitive advantage in the field of health, namely the adaptation of the provisions of international quality standards for the health system modernization are allocated; the scheme of the organizational quality of care environment is developed.

Keywords: health services, quality, human resources, management, strategy.

Pages: 199-204.


Link for citation: Sukhinin, M. V. Strategic Aspects of Quality Management of Medical Institutions. – Text : electronic. – In: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy. – 2016. – Vol. 12, N 4. – Р. 199-204. – URL: (date of access: 27.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 12, N 4 (2016)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture