Features of Personnel Management at Passenger Transport Enterprises
Abstract: The article considers the issues of personnel provision of the management system of passenger transport enterprises at the present stage of economic development, which become the most urgent due to the fact that large-scale economic and social problems are solved with the direct participation of transport enterprises. Currently, the passenger transport management system in the Donetsk People’s Republic has many problems that need to be solved in conjunction with the existing conditions. As experience shows, in most cases these problems can be solved by labor resources, its personnel, on which the efficiency and results of the enterprise’s production activities will depend. Strategic planning of passenger transport services is one of the main functions of strategic management of this type of economic activity and includes personnel planning that contributes to the maximum disclosure of potential, strengthening motivation for employee development, improving their skills. Forecasting should take into account the demand for labor resources, market conditions and offers. Competent planning helps to use the potential of employees for the successful development of passenger transport enterprises.
Keywords: HR management, personnel planning, labor resources, economics, passenger transport enterprises.
Pages: 369-376.
For citation:
For citation: Dyatlov, V. V. Features of Personnel Management at Passenger Transport Enterprises. – Text : electronic. – In: <em>Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy</em>. – 2024. – Том 20, № 4. – Р. 369-376. – doi: 10.71536/esgh.2024.v20n4.10. – edn: ryffob. – ISSN 1993-3509. (in Russian)
Том 20, № 4 (2024)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture