Editorial board Contents Nataliia Malova, Olga Vedenina Features of Implementation of Investment Projects in Construction FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture»...

Editorial board Contents Irina Voda Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Carrying out Capital Repairs of Apartment Buildings FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering...

Editorial board Contents Elena Ponomarenko, Ekaterina Afendikova, Polina Klimova Regulatory and Legal Support of Risk Management FSBEI HE «Donetsk Academy of Management and Public Service»...

Editorial board Contents Marina Grakova Regional Aspects of Digital Real Estate Accounting Software FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture» Abstract. The...

Editorial board Contents Anna Borodatskaya Approaches to the Formation of a Building Complex Management System: Analysis of Foreign Practice FSBEI HE «Donbas National Academy of...

Editorial board Contents Anna Volochko, Maxim Karpenko, German Nizhegorodov, Julia Vozzhova Technology for Efficient Job Search in Modern Circumstances Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering...

Editorial board Contents Tetiana Ardatieva a, Ekaterina Mashchenko b Reporting as a Tool of Tax Contro a Donetsk Academy of Management and Public Administration under...

Editorial board Contents Oksana Veretennykova, Maria Palkina Management Decision-Making Based on the Results of Extreme Analysis of Quality of Life Parameters Donbas National Academy of...

Editorial board Contents Oksana Veretennykova a, Vladislav Murai b Conceptual Foundations for the Formation and Implementation of the Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Sustainable Development...

Editorial board Contents Irina Voda, Tatiana Sidorchuk Reconstruction and Restoration of Fixed Housing Assets: Key Problems and Possible Prospects Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering...