Contents Editorial board   Julia Orlovskaya Housing energy efficiency as reserve of height of his economic potential Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture...

Contents Editorial board Іevgenii Iurchenko Theoretical and conceptual bases of state architectonically-building control Kharkov regional institute of public administration of NAPA by the President of...

Contents Editorial board Viktoriya Sevka, Marina Grakova Mechanism of applying innovation to play the economic potential of housing and increasing housing provision Donbas National Academy...

Contents Editorial board Dmytro Tevelev The stock market: The entity and the definition Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public...

Contents Editorial board Elena Khisteva, Tatiana Egorkina Financial strength is a key to financial sustainability of the economic system Donetsk National University of Economics and...

Ivan Arxipenko An evolution of idea of agriculture efficiency in world view consciousness of public management subjects Dnepropetrovsk Region Institute of State Management of National...

Helen Volskaya Theoretical basis of the effectiveness of state management of social development Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Abstract. The article describes the...

Olga Zerova Tendencies and prospects of market of housing and communal services of Ukraine development Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Abstract. The article...

Yuri Petrushevsky Mechanisms of financially-budgetary regulation of economy of housing and communal services in the conditions of financial instability Donetsk State University of Management Abstract. In...

Nataliya Alyabeva The use of inkoterms rules during the conclusion of treaty of delivery Private joint-stock company of “AVK” Abstract. Contract of supply is almost always...