Main / Issues / Vol. 4, N 2 (2008) / Articles

The integral estimation of the building branch condition

Ye. Yu. Andreeva, Ye. V. Galushko

Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The article is deals with to building branch research applying with the integral approach of the estimation (on the example of the Ukraine), it is given the determination term «the integral estimation and the integral index». The main approaches and estimated methods of. Also in estimated and methods of building enterprises by, means of use the integral indexes have been is considered in the article, the activity and structure of the potential of building enterprise, considered indexes have been the approach to estimation of the integral index integrated production systems risk. The Offered methods and approaches to estimation construction will allow using the potential possibilities of system management building branch. The further research problems on decision making on the basis of the constant monitoring which will have an opportunity to follow the general effect and mark the necessary corrections.

Keywords: estimation, integral estimation, integral index, expense approach, comparative approach, revenue approach, risk

Pages: 109-115.


Link for citation: Andreeva, Ye. Yu.; Galushko, Ye. V. The integral estimation of the building branch condition . – Text : electronic. – In: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy. – 2008. – Vol. 4, N 2. – Р. 109-115. – URL: (date of access: 01.09.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 4, N 2 (2008)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture