Issues / Vol. 5, N 2 (2009) / Articles

Ways of perfection of state management of the social development

Ye. М. Volskaya

Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: In the article the ways of the state management perfection of the social development in the content of the standard living of Ukrainian population. Have been considered. The assent of the public service management perfection has been done. The concept the «standard of living», factors influencing on the given social and economic category has been considered. The connection between the «standard of living» concept and the efficiency work level of public service enterprises sphere has been established. The main features of «natural monopolies» have been considered including the public service as well, as some distinguished features of public service sphere. The main ways of public service management perfection have been suggested: property forms changing of public service enterprises sphere, multichannel mechanism for enterprises financing of given sphere with this mechanism faxing in the legislation of the service tariff perfection given by public service enterprises.

Keywords: population standard of living, social requirements of the population, social development, housing and municipal sphere, natural monopolies, multichannel financing, tariff regulation

Pages: 89-96.


Link for citation: Volskaya, Ye. М. Ways of perfection of state management of the social development. – Text : electronic. – In: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy. – 2009. – Vol. 5, N 2. – Р. 89-96. – URL: (date of access: 27.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 5, N 2 (2009)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture