Issues / Vol. 5, N 3 (2009) / Articles

Policy of habitations as element of social policy of the state: analysis of domestic and foreign experience

V. O. Bukiashvili

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engeneering and Architecture

Annotation: In the article development and realization elaboration-experience of housing policy in Ukraine and abroad has been considered. It was accentuated, that it is the most impotent constituent of state social policy, directed for the decision of requirements problem necessity of population in proper housings. It is proven that the housing policy is the most impotent constituent of social policy, directed for the satisfaction of population necessities in high-quality and accessible habitation and housings services. At was defined that of housing policy realization in Ukraine differs the more developed countries one in this direction, which is shown in the following: absence of purposeful housing policy, dominant unready of consumers independently to manage own habitation, absence of the economic grounded mechanisms for payment of dwellings services, unreliability of utilities etc. It was formulated advanced that adaptation of oversea experience in the housing policy must be realized out taking into account the right availability, field organizational and economical conditions and possibilities of housing economy development in Ukraine. The further researches are required by determination of development directions of joint owners unity of apartment houses as an important condition of habitations quality, which, in their turn, is the important social task of the housing policy – both on the state and regional level.

Keywords: habitation, social policy, housing policy, housing reform, association of joint owners of apartment houses

Pages: 141-146.


Link for citation: Bukiashvili, V. O. Policy of habitations as element of social policy of the state: analysis of domestic and foreign experience. – Text : electronic. – In: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy. – 2009. – Vol. 5, N 3. – Р. 141-146. – URL: (date of access: 27.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 5, N 3 (2009)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture