Main / Issues / Vol. 7, N 1 (2011) / Articles

Problems of housing the Donetsk region

V. G. Sevkaa, N. B. Paligab

a Institute of Economics of Industrial NSA Ukraine
b Donbas National Academy of Civl Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The article based on a study of factors affecting the provision of housing for the population of Donetsk region, carried out the forecast demand in the introduction of new housing in towns and districts in which the security below the normative. Carried out a comparison of standards of housing people in Ukraine, and in some towns and districts of the Donetsk region, European countries, on what basis, proposals to revise the methodology for determining such standards. This analysis allowed to create a map of deviations from the standard supply total living area of cities and districts of Donetsk region. In order to establish the capacity of housing in cities and districts of Donetsk region carried out their group on the basis of identity problems in the housing. Based on a critical analysis of the draft of the Housing Code of the advantages and disadvantages in the housing policy of the state, which will significantly affect the development of housing construction and housing and population. Approaches to linking master plans for cities and regions with predicted performance housing in towns and districts of Donetsk region, identifies measures to improve the mechanisms of state regulation of housing construction, renovation of existing residential building in the cities and districts of the region, increasing housing provision at the regional level.

Keywords: housing, housing, standard of housing, reconstruction of housing, government regulation of housing construction.

Pages: 47-57.


Link for citation: Sevka, V. G.; Paliga, N. B. Problems of housing the Donetsk region. – Text : electronic. – In: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy. – 2011. – Vol. 7, N 1. – Р. 47-57. – URL: (date of access: 01.09.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 7, N 1 (2011)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture