Issues / Vol. 7, N 4 (2011) / Articles

Innovative aspects of set-up of effective system of agriculture and land valuation based on geographic information systems

V. N. Goncharov, N. V. Zos-Cior

Lugansk National Agrarian University

Annotation: The article considers the innovative aspects of organizing an effective system of agriculture and land valuation based on geographic information systems. The implementation of technology assessment of agricultural lands using geographic information systems creates the basis for modeling their management, in particular the placement of crops and crop rotations, as well as to reconfigure work areas according to their technological properties. The proposed technique applies only to problems of the qualitative assessment of land used in calculating the land value. Implementation of geographic information systems – technology in the adaptive landscape farming systems in the complex and even in the form of individual elements (parallel driving along a given trajectory) can improve productivity and product quality, optimize fertilization, crop protection, harvesting operations, as well as better organize use of equipment and keep a history of using the methods and results.

Keywords: innovative aspects of geographic information systems, agriculture.

Pages: 233-238.


Link for citation: Goncharov, V. N.; Zos-Cior, N. V. Innovative aspects of set-up of effective system of agriculture and land valuation based on geographic information systems. – Text : electronic. – In: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy. – 2011. – Vol. 7, N 4. – Р. 233-238. – URL: (date of access: 27.07.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 7, N 4 (2011)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture