Main / Issues / Vol. 8, N 4 (2012) / Articles

Privatization and corporatization as the basis of the corporate sector: ukrainian foreign experience and realities

M. A. Kuzheliev, A. N. Khimchenko

Donetsk National University

Annotation: In the article the theoretical and methodological aspects of the implementation of the privatization and corporatization in Ukraine at the present stage of development of the economic system and society have been consedered. In particular, the analysis of the main schemes of privatization of former state property in eastern Europe and conducted a comparative analysis and the ability to adapt in terms of forming a national model corporatization nave been analysed. The essence of economic categories such as “privatization” and “corporatization”, the basic stages of privatization and the proposed architectural approach to periodization of the privatization process in Ukraine have been given. The main problems of the corporate sector of the national economy in a dynamic environment have been given. In addition, the proposed basic guidelines for the formation and development of national corporate sector, including the privatization of state property in Groups A, E, F and G have been suggested

Keywords: corporatization, privatization, corporation, the corporate sector, corporate governance mechanism.

Pages: 291-298.


Link for citation: Kuzheliev, M. A.; Khimchenko, A. N. Privatization and corporatization as the basis of the corporate sector: ukrainian foreign experience and realities. – Text : electronic. – In: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy. – 2012. – Vol. 8, N 4. – Р. 291-298. – URL: (date of access: 01.09.2024). (in Russian)

Issue Cover Vol. 8, N 4 (2012)
Journal: Economics of Civil Engineering and Municipal Economy
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture